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A brief introduction to the operating skills and precautions of driving a loader
Public date:2020-3-16   Hits:6666
Loader driving operation skills:
One light: when the loader is working, the heel is firmly against the cab floor, the foot plate and the accelerator pedal x need to be parallel, and then the gas pedal is gently pressed down.
Second stability: When the loader is in operation, the throttle must always be stable. Under normal operating conditions, the throttle opening should be around 70%.
Three-leaf: When the loader is operating, the feet should be separated from the brake pedal and placed flat on the cab floor. Never step on the brake pedal. Loaders often work on uneven construction sites. If the foot is always stepped on the brake pedal, the body moving up and down will cause the driver to step on the brake pedal lightly. Under normal circumstances, you need to control the throttle deceleration to control the engine condition and gear shift. This not only avoids overheating of the braking system caused by frequent braking, but also brings convenience to the speed increase of the loader.
Siqin: When the loader is operating, especially during shovel operation, the bucket should be shovel-filled with materials by cyclically pulling the lifting and bucket control levers while the throttle is stable. The cyclical movement of the lifting and bucket control levers is called "diligence." This process is very important and has a great impact on fuel consumption.
5. Coordination: Coordination is the organic cooperation of the lifting and bucket control levers. The general digging process of a loader is to lay the bucket flat on the ground and drive smoothly towards the pile. If you need quality loader attachments, you can contact Xiaobian Zhizao Daguan. When the bucket encounters resistance in parallel to the material stack, the principle of first raising the arm and then retracting the bucket should be followed first. This can effectively prevent the bottom of the bucket from receiving resistance, so that the maximum breakout force can be fully exerted.
Relevant considerations for driving a loader:
1. The loader should be driven by a person who holds a driving license. Driving without a license is strictly prohibited.
2. Do a good job of vehicle inspection before leaving the car. If you find power shortage, water shortage, fuel shortage and mechanical failure, you should get rid of the vehicle in time.
3. Outgoing loaders must strictly abide by traffic rules, school districts must strictly abide by the management system, pass through intersections or densely populated areas, see one, two, and three, and decelerate, honk, and keep right when turning.
4. The driver of the loader must drive without drinking and not allow the loader to be driven by a non-loader driver; the driver's cab must not be seated in excess; no one can climb or jump on the pedals while driving car.
5. Shovel the product and equipment carefully and be responsible. Shovel is stable, good, firm and reliable. Rise slowly, place securely, and pay attention to slow moving.
6. Where the weight exceeds the load tonnage of the loader or covers the sight of driving, it shall not be scrapped. Under special circumstances, safety measures must be taken in conjunction with relevant personnel before handling.
7. When carrying, the load should not exceed the specified value. The forks must be fully inserted under the goods, and the goods must be evenly placed on the forks. No single fork pick is allowed.
8. During the shovel operation, cooperate closely with the on-site commander and follow the command of the commander. If it is found that the shoveling work is not safe, it should be landed on the ground and leveled before shovel.
9. When the loader transports tall or unstable objects, the workpiece should be tied to the shovel frame. The shovel frame should be tilted to a fixed position before starting to prevent heavy objects from falling down.
10. When refueling, the driver should not be in the car and the engine should be turned off. Do not ignite when checking the battery or fuel tank level.
11. When the engine is very hot, you cannot easily open the water tank cover.
12. When the loader stops working, the work should be removed from the fork. If the driver leaves the cab halfway, the fork must be lowered to the ground, and the gear lever must be set to neutral, the engine should be turned off or the power should be disconnected, and the key must be removed before leaving.
13. After the work is completed, the fork must be lowered to the ground, the maintenance and cleaning of the vehicle must be done, and the vehicle must be parked at a designated place for civilized operation.
Causes of blow-by gas of loader diesel engine and elimination methods
Bubbles in the water tank of the diesel engine of the loader are generally caused by the high-pressure gas in the cylinder penetrating into the cooling water channel. Therefore, the causes and elimination methods of blow-by gas are as follows:
1. The cylinder head nut is not tightened according to the specified torque. Because the torque is too small, the cylinder head is not compressed, and high pressure gas will enter the water channel. Treatment method: Tighten the cylinder head nut according to the specified torque, and re-tighten it regularly.
2. The cylinder gasket is used for a long time, it is damaged or burned, and the sealing is deteriorated, causing air leakage. Treatment method: Replace with new cylinder pad from time to time. Intelligent manufacturing, focusing on the sharing of relevant theoretical knowledge in the machinery manufacturing industry.
3. The surface of the cylinder head is uneven or deformed, causing air leakage. Treatment method: Grind the surface of the cylinder head or replace the cylinder head.
4, improper assembly, causing the cylinder sleeve shoulder to break and channeling gas. Treatment method: New cylinder liners need to be replaced in strict accordance with the prescribed methods.
5. The height of the shoulder of the cylinder sleeve is not enough or the depth of the shoulder hole on the body is too large. After the cylinder is inserted into the body, the height of the plane protruding from the body is not enough, and even the fuel tank will sink into the water channel from the shoulder. Therefore, it should be tested before assembly, check the protrusion, and ensure that it is within the allowable range.
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