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What are the main accessories of the loader?
Public date:2020-3-16   Hits:5947
The loader's digging and loading and unloading operations are realized through the movement of its working device. The working device of the loader is composed of a bucket, a boom, a connecting rod, a swing arm and a bucket cylinder, a boom cylinder and the like. The entire working device is hinged on the frame. The bucket is hinged to the bucket cylinder through a connecting rod and a swing arm for loading and unloading materials. The boom is hinged to the frame and boom cylinder for lifting the bucket. The quality loader is required to be intelligent, and the bucket turning and boom raising and lowering are hydraulically controlled.
Loader accessories Daquan:
There are many loader accessories, and various parts and consumables are all loader accessories. Such as combination meter, front of loader, seat of loader, water blocking ring, loader accessories fuel tank, air filter element, intake and exhaust valve, cab assembly, fan blade, loader variable speed pump, loader steel ring, loader Steering wheel, loader shovel, steering gear, master-slave spiral bevel gear, intermediate support, brake fluid cup, brake disc, fuel tank cover, oil-water separator, cylinder assembly, priority valve, instrument table assembly, adjustment Pressure valve, four sets, camshaft, eccentric shaft, tire screw, transmission gear, oil dispersion assembly, S-shaped rocker arm, solid tire of loader, etc. The main components of the loader are listed below.
The main accessories of the loader: including the engine, torque converter, gearbox, front and rear drive axles, referred to as four major pieces.
1. Engine.
2. There are three pumps on the torque converter. The working pump (supplying lifting and tipping pressure oil), the steering pump (supplying steering pressure oil), and the variable speed pump are also called walking pumps (supplying torque converter and transmission pressure oil). The steering pump is also equipped with a pilot pump (supplying pilot valve pilot oil).
3. Working hydraulic oil circuit, hydraulic oil tank, working pump, multi-way valve, lifting cylinder and tipping cylinder.
4. Walking oil circuit: transmission oil pan oil, walking pump, torque converter all the way, gear shift valve all the way, gearbox clutch.
5. Drive: drive shaft, main differential, wheel reducer.
6. Steering oil circuit: fuel tank, steering pump, stabilizer (or priority valve) steering gear, steering oil cylinder.
7. Loader gearboxes are integrated (planetary) and split (fixed shaft).
Loader is a kind of earth and stone construction machinery widely used in roads, railways, buildings, hydropower, ports, mines and other construction projects. It is mainly used for shovel loading of loose materials such as soil, sand, lime, coal, etc. And hard soil for light digging operations. Different auxiliary working devices can also be used for loading and unloading of bulldozing, lifting and other materials such as wood. On roads, especially in the construction of high-grade highways, loaders are used for filling and digging of subgrade works, assembling and loading of asphalt mixes and cement concrete yards. In addition, it can also carry soil, level the ground, and tow other machinery. Because the loader has the advantages of fast operation speed, high efficiency, good maneuverability, and light operation, it has become one of the main types of earth and stone construction in engineering construction.
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