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Is the loader suitable for use with a breaker?
Public date:2019-11-20   Hits:7038
The loader installation breaker is currently second only to the excavator to install the breaker, and the loader has a corresponding hammer model to match it, instead of the loader-specific breaker, the high-power loader configuration is too small or too large. The power of the breaker will not play better or can't be hit.
Classification of broken hammer
There are many types of hydraulic breakers and there are many classification methods.
According to the operation mode: hydraulic excavator breaker is divided into two categories: hand-held and airborne;
According to the working principle classification: hydraulic breakers are divided into three types: full hydraulic type, liquid gas combined type and nitrogen explosion type. The liquid-gas combination relies on hydraulic oil and rear-compressed nitrogen expansion to simultaneously push the piston. At present, most of the crushers belong to such products;
According to the classification of the valve structure: the hydraulic breaker is divided into two types: built-in valve type and external valve type.
In addition, there are other various classification methods, such as the feedback feedback type and the pressure feedback type breaker according to the feedback method;
According to the noise size, it is divided into low noise type and standard type breaker;
According to the form of the outer casing, it can be divided into a triangle and a tower breaker;
According to the structure of the crusher fitting shell, it can be divided into a splint type and a box type crusher;
Hydraulic breaker type and selection
The number in the hydraulic hammer model may indicate the weight or bucket capacity of the excavator, and may also indicate the weight of the hydraulic excavator breaker, or the diameter of the drill rod, or the hammer impact energy. In most cases, the number does not correspond to the meaning it represents, and is often a range of quantities. And sometimes the parameters of the hydraulic hammer have changed, but the model remains the same, which makes the meaning of the model number more blurred. What's more, the data of the data does not match the actual data, and users should pay more attention.
The matching of the hydraulic hammer and the excavator is mainly for the hammer user, and the weight is matched, and the power matching is also checked. For other load-bearing machines, power matching is as important as weight matching. It is also very reliable to choose a hydraulic hammer based on the experience of other users.
When choosing a breaker, we should make our model and the supplier accurate and correct. If it does not match, it will be a very troublesome problem. There is no brand of loader that must use the brand of breaker.
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